"Jigoku Bakkei"

"Eight Views of Hell"

2023年 - H1200×W520

In the chapters from 62 to 66 I took the motif from Rakugo* "Hell's Eight Views of the Dead persons play".This scene is the crossing of the Styx.The phrase at the upper side is a Kouta** "The Meiji era is far away" written by Shinsui Ito.

Asakusa's nostalgic 12th floor

Egawa's balancing on a rolling ball

A curious world

Activity photos in the electric palace

Turtles and carp in the gourd pond

Performance of titmice in Flower house

Dark's Puppet,the doll made by Kamehachi Yasumoto

In Kan-non's Okuyama area,the instant photograph sellers and fortune-tellers

Line up the eaves to attract customers,Matsui Gensui's Iai-nuki***

An old woman painting on sand

The Meiji era is far away

*a comic story told by a professional storyteller
**a Japanese ballad accompanied on the shamisen
***the sword action at a moment