"Yukei Kyuga"

"Play in the Nine River "

2022 - H1030×W340

I tried to draw the birth of kappa.What kind of future is waiting these babies.The poem at the top is"Guardian deity of the river",One of the nine poems in the Chu Dynastywritten by "Qūyuán".

與女遊兮九河 衝風起兮橫波

乘水車兮荷蓋 駕兩龍兮驂螭

登崑崙兮四望 心飛揚兮浩蕩

If I play with you in the Nine River, the wind will rise and make waves.

I will ride a water vehicle and use a lotus leaf as a canopy,and ride two dragons, let the spirit of water pull them as a companion horse.

When I climb the Kūnlún mountain and look around,my heart will soar and be expansive.