"Cho Renka"

" The song of a butterfly falling in love"

2022年 - H1330×W530

The Chinese poem under cabbages is " The song of a butterfly falling in love" written by Ouyang Xiu.

庭院深深深幾許 楊柳堆煙簾幕無重數

玉勒雕鞍遊冶處 樓高不見章臺路

雨橫風狂三月暮 門掩黄昏無計留春住

涙眼問花花不語 亂紅飛過秋千去庭院

How deep is the garden? The willows are covered in a haze.The blinds and curtains are piled up.A place where gorgeously decorated horses and carriages go out to play.The tower is tall, but we can't see the Shotai street.The rain storms and the wind blows madly at the end of March.The gates have closed the twilight.The spring is gone.I can't help but ask the flowers with teary eyes, but they won't answer.The red petals flew away wildly and passed the swing.