"Daikana Shinya"

"How great the mind is!"

2019 - H1030×W510

The verse at the lower side of this picture is a part of an introduction to"The theory to promote Zen and protect the country" written by Zen master Eisai.

大哉心乎 天之高不可極也 而心出乎天之上 ・・・・・四時待我而變化 萬物待我而發生  大哉心乎

How great the mind is!

The height of the sky can’t be extreme.But the mind rises above the sky.

The thickness of the earth can’t be measured. But the mind is deeper than under the ground.We can’t overtake the light of the sun and the moon.But the mind is out before the light of them.

It is impossible to inquire into the ends of the earth. But the mind is beyond the countless worlds.Is that the very emptiness ? Is that the fundamental energy ? The mind exactly holds the emptiness and then give rise to the energy.

Heaven and earth wait for me and take me on.The sun and the moon revolve with me.The four seasons wait for me and change.All things wait for me and come into being.

How great the mind is!