"Dokusho Santo"

"Three ways to read"

2023年 - H1340×W350

The words at the upper side are quoted from "Training rules of reading and writing" By Zhu Xi.

古人云 讀書千遍 其義自見 謂讀得熟 則不解説 自曉其義也

余嘗謂讀書有三到 謂心到 眼到 口到 心不在此 則眼不看子細

The ancients said,if you read a thousand times,the meaning will be known naturally.If you read carefully, even if it is not explained、the meaning is self-explanatory.I once said there are three ways to read.It means that the heart arrives,the eyes arrive, and the mouth arrives.If your heart isn't here,you can't see the details with your eyes.