"Doro Doba"

"It carries over donkeys and also horses"

2022年 - H1040×W250

I tried to draw the Seven Lucky Gods as kappa. The sentence at the upper left is a part of Zhàozhōu lù . (Blue Cliff Record No. 52 " Zhàozhōu Stone Bridge")

師云  過来過来

又僧問 久嚮趙州石橋 到来只見掠彴子

師云  你只見掠彴子 不見趙州石橋

云   如何是石橋

師云  度驢度馬

The master said,"Come over here."

The monk asks again, "It has long been popular as Zhàozhōu Stone Bridge When I come here, all I see is just a poor log bridge."

The master said, "You just saw the log bridge. But didn’t look at the stone bridge in Zhaozhou."

The monk said ,"How is the Stone Bridge?"

The master said, "It carries over donkeys and also horses."