"Go-oku Kaibun"

"Palindromes,think of each other"

2022 - H1020×W340

The phrases upper and lower side of the picture are "Palindromes, think of each other" written by Li Yu in the Song Dynasty.

枯眼望遥山隔水 往来曽見幾心知

壺空怕酌一杯酒 筆下難成和韻詩

途路陽人離別久 訊音無雁寄回遅

孤燈夜守長寥寂 夫憶妻兮父憶兒

I am looking at the distant mountains and waters with dry eyes.

Once upon a time I exchanged letters with many good friends.

I am afraid to drink one cup of Sake because the bottle will be emptied.

It is difficult to pick up a brush and write a harmonious poem.

On the road I separated from cheerful persons a long time ago.

There is no geese,so the letters return late.

A lonely lamplight guards the night, the loneliness lasts a long time.

A husband thinks of his wife, a father thinks of his child.

If you write the sentence at the top of this picture backwards,
it becomes the lowerside sentence .