"Kanzan , Jittoku"

"Hanshan and Shide"

2022年 - H1350×W520

I drew Hanshan and Shide appeared from two gourds.The Chinese poem written in the gourds is a poem by Hanshan.

粤自居寒山 曾經幾萬載

任運遯林泉 棲遅觀自在

巖中人不到 白雲常愛逮

細草作臥褥 青天爲被蓋

快活枕石頭 天地任変改

Tens of thousands of years have passed since I lived in the cold mountains.Leave it to luck and escape to a forest,I can live quietly and watch freely.Inside the rock cave, no one reaches.White clouds are always thriving.The thin grass is used as a bed,and the blue sky is used as a coverlet.I happily use a stone as a pillow and let the world change.