"Gochu Ichinin"

"One of those people"

2013 - H1120×W320

The motif of this picture is quoted from the novel “A spider’s thread” by "Akutagawa Ryunosuke",a famous author in Japan.The hero of “Kappa” in this picture hopes to save all other companions from the hell.The dimly visible words are a part of “Kan Non Kyo” ,a sutra of Buddhism. Let's introduce the first lines.

経過険路 其中一人 作是唱言 諸善男子

勿得恐怖 汝等応当 一心称 観世音菩薩名号

When passing a steep way, one of those people said in this way. Every pious man! Don't be afraid! Altogether just now! Let's chant absorbedly the name of "Kanzeon Bosatsu."