"Kigyu Kika"

"The homeward journey on the cow"

2006 - H530×W460

The motif of this picture is a quote from "The figure of ten cows" expressed a route to lead to realization of the Zen with ten pieces of pictures. "Kigyu Kika" is the sixth step of the ten steps to spiritual enlightenment.

The first step "Searching for the cow"

The first step "Searching for the cow"

The second step "Discovery of the footprints of the cow"

The third step "Perceiving the cow"

The fourth step "Catching the cow"

The fifth step "Taming the cow on the hillsides"

The sixth step "The homeward journey on the cow"

The seventh step "The cow transcended but the self exists"

The eighth step "Both the self and the cow transcended"

The ninth step "Reaching the source"

The tenth step "Opening both hands in a market town"