"Kiko no Shi"

"A poem that crawls like an insect"

2022年 - H1340×W340

What is the chameleon looking for?The words at the upper side are "A poem that crawls like an insect" by Saint Jiun.

蚊蚋莫怱怱 蚯蚓且低聲

春雨今新過 耹我嘆蚑行

朽木爲汝骨 泥汚成爾睛

身從弊履育 情逐糞穢生

Mosquitoes and gnat, don't make noise,worms, keep their voices low for a while.Spring rain is now passing by gain.Listen to my lament for crawling like an insect.Decayed wood will become your bones, sludge will change into your eyes.The body will be raised from the bad shoes.Feelings will be borne by chasing after feces.